Radovan ivsic biography examples
Short biography examples
Radovan Ivšić (June 22, – December 25, ) was a Croatian writer, best known for his drama Kralj Gordogan and book of poems Crno.
Radovan ivsic biography examples
Radovan Ivšić (June 22, – December 25, ) was a Croatian writer, best known for his drama Kralj Gordogan and book of poems Crno.
Radovan ivsic biography examples for kids
Radovan Ivšić (Zagreb, – Paris, ): Croatian poet, writer, playwright, essayist, translator and surrealist of global standing, achieved the greatest acclaim with his Missing: examples.
Radovan ivsic biography examples wikipedia
Radovan Ivšić (Zagreb, lipnja - Pariz, prosinca ), hrvatski pjesnik, pisac, dramatik, esejist, prevoditelj i nadrealist svjetskoga glasa, koji je najveću slavu stekao dramom Missing: examples.