What happened to dorothy provine actress

Dorothy provine the great race

In 1968, Provine married the film and television director Robert Day and retired from acting, apart from occasional guest roles on television.

what happened to dorothy provine actress

Dorothy provine photos

Dorothy Provine, the leggy, blond actress perhaps best known for her quirky role in the Stanley Kramer movie “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” and as the flouncy nightclub .

Robert day (director)

Actress Dorothy Provine, best known for her roles as Milton Berle's wife and Ethel Merman's daughter in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" and the high-kicking flapper in the .
Dorothy provine actress photos
Dorothy Provine, who played the singing, high-kicking flapper in the early-1960s TV series “The Roaring Twenties” and appeared in the all-star movie comedy “It’s a Mad, Mad, .